How Patty eliminated harmful VOCs from her home

Meet Patty
We met Patty when she reached out to Sensitive Home regarding her online order. She had placed a large order for Sensitive Home cleaning products because she was concerned about the VOC levels in her home after completing her typical whole-home cleaning using these traditional cleaners:
- Windex Streak Free shine w/vinegar (on granite)
- Microban 24 Hour Bathroom Cleaner Citrus Scent (on bathroom countertops)
- Bon-Ami (on shower floor surface)
- Windex Foaming Glass Cleaner (on mirrors and shower glass)
- Old English Almond Scented furniture polish
Before she started cleaning, the VOC reading on her new Airthings View Plus air quality monitor was 50ppb. After she finished cleaning, the VOC reading was 487. That's an increase of 420ppb of VOCs just from cleaning her home!
Knowing that the Airthings monitor flags air quality as a possible concern for readings above 250ppb, she was excited to try our Sensitive Home cleaners to see if it made a difference.
Here's what happened next:
We power cleaned with all of your products today.
I am amazed at how low the VOC'S remained!! I'm convinced it is because of your products. And more importantly, I LOVED all of the products!
I loved them so much that I placed a good size order to send to my sister that lives in New Jersey!!
Keep in mind the last time I cleaned with my "other products" the VOC's shot up to 487 quickly.
Today was a very cold, stormy, wet dreary day so all the windows were closed.
I started cleaning at 3:01 PM and the VOC's were at 84.
At 3:23 PM they were at 123 VOC's.
At 3:41 PM they were at 146 VOC's.
At 4:04 PM I was ready to move to the back of my house to clean the master bathroom.
At 4:04 PM they were at 129 VOC's.
The VOC's disseminated quickly with your products and we did not have any windows open due to the heavy rain.
I found this to be an incredible experience!!"

Small changes around the home and your daily habits can have a big impact on the air you breathe. Learn more about the products Patty used:
To learn more about VOCs, read our What are VOCs blog.